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Title Re-establishment Survey

land surveyor making set out marks in the ground

Where is my title boundary?

If you’re conducting due diligence on a property you propose to purchase, erecting a new fence or building on or near your boundary, determining the position of title boundaries can be an essential early step. The cost will depend on the property's size, the age of the title and whether any registered survey information is available for the subject site or nearby properties.

For recent titles created under the Subdivision Act, this can be straightforward. Field Records showing survey marks that still exist on the ground should mathematically be connected to your title boundaries. By measuring these marks and your fences, we can position your title boundaries in relation to your fences.

There are often more complex issues involved in older titles.  


A re-establishment survey can involve connecting to numerous historical surveys, sometimes over 100 years old.  This can mean measuring fences and survey marks far removed from the subject site. Numerous pieces of legislation and various long-accepted survey principles may need to be considered and applied.

land survey equipment set up on a large grassed area next to the ocean
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